Thando Tshabalala: "I believe education is the key to success."

1. Favourite scary movie?
Jeepers Creepers.

2. Favourite social media influencer?
Would have to be Gorgeous Mbali.She’s a very hardworking and driven lady who comes from humble beginnings, being an employee at the South African Defence Force (SA Navy) to leaving her job at the military to pursue what she was passionate about, that is being an influencer. She now runs three highly successful businesses, Hermosa Flor, Angela Jewellery and Mariana Agency. To date, Mbali has a digital audience of more than 450k followers.

3. Favourite Marvel or DC villain?
She’s not a villain, but I really love Black Widow!

4. Introduce yourself.I am Thando Tshabalala, a 24-year-old ambitious lady from the vibrant, Zola 2 ikasi lama Kasi! I am currently studying towards my degree in LLB at the University of South Africa.

Currently, I am a mentor for young aspiring models and also volunteering as a presenter at Soweto FM an online radio station that has given me a platform to empower and inspire the youth of Soweto.

5. Tell us a bit about your background and what your goals for the future are.
Being born and raised by a young single mother in a township where there is low-quality education, teenage pregnancy and unemployment have inspired me not to lose focus, work hard, dream beyond my circumstances and see the world on a much bigger scale.

6. What are you passionate about?
I am very passionate about education and advocating for vulnerable women and children. I believe education is the key to success.

7. How do you feel about being selected as a finalist in the Miss Soweto Pageant?
Being chosen as a finalist for the Miss Soweto 2021 pageant is such a great honour that I would not ever trade for anything. I understand that it is my responsibility to be the best role model I can be, with such strong morals that shows the true woman in me. Through my actions, through serving my community and uplifting it for the better using my voice, my mind, my life to fight and stand for those women of Soweto who have so much to say but lack the voice and platform that I have been presented within the Miss Soweto pageant.

I strive to leave a mark in my community. To be remembered as a queen who played her role and had a genuine heart to serve her people.

If you would like to see Thando win the Miss Soweto crown, vote for her on WhatsApp by clicking here: